SQL Server administration and T-SQL development, Web Programming with ASP.NET, HTML5 and Javascript, Windows Phone 8 app development, SAP Smartforms and ABAP Programming, Windows 7, Visual Studio and MS Office software
Windows 8 Games and Tools

Windows 8 Games and Tools


Windows 8 Screenshots from Sudoku Game
Windows 8 Touch Screen Sudoku Game
Word Hunt Educational Game for Kids
Windows 8 Logon Screen
Windows 8 Logon using Windows Live ID
Play Windows 8 Copper game
Internet Explorer 10 Screenshot on Windows 8 Developer Preview
Personalize Windows 8 Lock Screen
Zero Gravity Windows 8 Game level 4 Hoth Planet
Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 - IE10 on Windows 8
5 in a row Windows 8 game
Windows 8 Weather Forecast metro-style application
Windows 8 Windows Experience Index

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