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Siemens HiPath ProCenter SDK Tutorials for CTI Developers using VB.NET and C-Sharp

Download SDK for Siemens HiPath ProCenter Toolkit from Partner Extranet

Siemens HiPath ProCenter developers who are developing CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) applications generally require to connect to Siemens HiPath ProCenter SDK web site and download SDK Toolkit with latest patches and updates.
This is a very common behaviour for developers who are using API 's of an application. What is interesting here is that I can not remember the path where I download HiPath SDK Toolkit and the patches for the HPPC SDK Toolkit.
I believe this is common between Siemens HiPath Procenter developers, and the problem is not with me. Because the extranet portal for technology partners of Siemens HiPath Procenter is so complex.

Here is a step by step navigation for CTI developers who requires to download SDK and download toolkit updates and patches from Siemens HiPath Procenter web portal.

1 ) Open your web browser and navigate to URL http://www.siemens.com/hipathready for the Siemens HiPath Procenter web portal.
You must provide the HiPath ProCenter partnership username and password to login to the HPPC partner extranet portal.

2 ) On the home page of Technology Partners Extranet click on the Technical Information link as seen in the below menu.
This will lead the cti developers and HiPath ProCenter application builders to technical support, SDK (Software Development Kit) downloads, HiPath Procenter SDK Toolkit certification pages.

Siemens Hipath Procenter extranet for technology partners

3 ) Click on the SDK link on the Technical Information page.
Toolkit SDK (Software Development Kit) technical pages includes SDK downloads.

Siemens Hipath Procenter technology partners technical information SDK link

4 ) On the HiPath Ready Contact Center Partner Program Website pages click on the Downloads link where you will find the SDK, manuals and patches as available.
Here exists a section where general information on SDK Toolkit Partnet Program is given. Another section is giving SDK toolkit courses available for toolkit and cti programmers. There is also a support forum where you can try to get answers to your questions. But since the developers working on SDK toolkit is small in numbers the forum is actually not a good resource for searching for your answers. In general, cti programmers are directed to the Trango Software which is giving official support to the Siemens HiPath ProCenter SDK Toolkit.

Siemens HiPath Ready Contact Center Partner Program website

5 ) The landing page will download links to various versions of Siemens HiPath Procenter SDK Toolkit and SDK patches for download and use of SDK programmers.

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