SQL Server EOMonth End of Month Function to Calculate Last Day of Month
SQL Server EOMonth() function returns the last day of the month that the input argument start_date is in that month. There is an optional input parameter offset, which helps T-SQL developers to find the end of month that is N months later or before the input start date argument. The default value of offset parameter month to add or month to substract is 0.
EOMONTH (start_date [, month_to_add])
SQL EOMonth datetime function is first introduced to SQL Server developers with the release of SQL Server 2012.
Here is a few SQL code where the new datetime function EOMonth is used to calculate the last date of the month where the input date parameter is in
SELECT EOMONTH (@current_date) AS 'The last date of Current Month'
Now T-SQL programmers can pass the offset argument value of the SQL EOMonth function, instead of the default 0 value.
EOMONTH (@current_date, -1) AS 'The last date of Previous Month',
EOMONTH (@current_date) AS 'The last date of Current Month',
EOMONTH (@current_date, 1) AS 'The last date of Next Month'