Search SAP Transport Requests Table using Change Number Attribute
ABAP developers can search for transport requests list using SAP requests table E070A filtering according to request attributes like change number, etc. For example, if you are using service ticket system or Business Requirement documents or change documents numbers to request, approve and track IT related changes and developments on your system, you can enter the change number as an attribute to your transport request.
In following screenshot from SAP SE09 transaction for a selected workbench request, you can see that I have already provided an attribute namely ZV_REASON and ZV_EXTENSION to relate this development task to a change document.
These request attributes details are stored in SAP table E070A Change & Transport System: Attributes of a Request
ABAP programmers will realize immediately how they can use the table fields.
TRKORR field is for Request/Task number
POS is for storing Dictionary: Line item
ATTRIBUTE is important mapping to Request attribute
REFERENCE field stores the Attribute value which we will be searching for in this tutorial.
Using my sample transport request, I got the following list when I filter the ABAP table E070A using SAP SE11 or SE16 transaction screens.
Of course, after an ABAP developer learns the source table and understands how the fields of the table are used, it is easy to create an ABAP program or SELECT command that returns the transport requests for a change number in an SAP system.
Here is a sample ABAP code block listing requests in a transport management system for a given change document number.
DATA lv_reference TYPE trkorr VALUE 'C0239939'.
DATA lv_attribure TYPE trattr VALUE 'ZV_EXTENSION'.
SELECT * INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_requests)
FROM e070a
WHERE attribute = @lv_attribure AND
reference = @lv_reference.
LOOP AT lt_requests REFERENCE INTO DATA(ls_requests).
WRITE :/ 'Request/Task'.
WRITE :/ ls_requests->trkorr.
It is easy to check for the total number of transport requests created for a change document for example by using a similar ABAP code querying SAP table E070A (Change & Transport System: Attributes of a Request).