Generate Data for SAP Flight Demo Tables
Although SAP demo tables SFLIGHT, SCARR, SPFLI exist on SAP S/4HANA, they have no data, all demo tables are empty. But when I query SFlight demo tables using HANA Studio SAP HANA Development perspective SQL Console, I see there are records for sample data in them. This SAP guide shows how to populate SFlight SAP demo tables with sample data.
By default SAP demo tables are empty for user clients.
But if you query the SCARR table using SQL Console oby connecting to the HANA database with SAP HANA Studio, you can see there are sample records in the database table.
select * from sapabap1.scarr
Here is sample data for demo table SCARR. So it is not empty and we have demo data in our SAP HANA system.
Unfortunately, since data is for CLIENT '000' it is not displayed when queried from another SAP client on SAP GUI.
On the other hand, there is an ABAP program SAPBC_DATA_GENERATOR which generates standard entries in the database tables that belong to the flight data model.
If you run ABAP report SAPBC_DATA_GENERATOR using SE38 or SA38 transactions, you can generate test data for SAP flight demo tables.
Here are some of the Flight demo tables which are shipped with SAP systems.
SBOOK Single Flight Booking
SCARPLAN Plane-airline assignment
SCARR Airline
SCOUNTER Sales counter
SDESSERT Inflight meal/Dessert
SFLBOPOS Flight Booking Order Item
SFLCONNPOS Stage of a Flight Connection
SFLIMEAL Flight-Meal assignment
SFLTRIPBOK Individual Flight Bookings for a Flight Trip
SMACOURSE Inflight meal/Main course
SMEAL Inflight Meal
SMEALT Inflight meal/Description
SPFLI Flight schedule
SSTARTER Inflight meal/Appetizer
STICKET Flight Ticket