SAP SALV IDA Exception with type cx_salv_ida_unknown_name was raised
SALV IDA or SAP List Viewer with Integrated Data Access is one of the enhancements introduced to ABAP programmers especially for performance of their SAP HANA data display applications. Recently while I was working on SALV IDA with data access via CDS View, I experienced the ABAP exception cx_salv_ida_unknown_name
Here is the sample ABAP code which displays data directly from SAP HANA database tables using CDS view using SLAV IDA ALV object.
data o_salv_ida type ref to if_salv_gui_table_ida.
o_salv_ida = cl_salv_gui_table_ida=>create_for_cds_view( iv_cds_view_name = '/KODYAZ/SOM_INFINV' ).
o_salv_ida->fullscreen( )->display( ).
Unfortunately, if you don't pay attention to the value of the iv_cds_view_name input parameter of the create_for_cds_view method, you can experience the following ABAP code exception
An exception with the type CX_SALV_IDA_UNKNOWN_NAME was raised, but was not handled locally or declared in a RAISING clause.
Exception of class CX_SY_NO_HANDLER
An exception of type 'CX_SALV_IDA_UNKNOWN_NAME' occurred, that was not caught anywhere in the call hierarchy. It was not handled locally or declared using a RAISING clause.
In fact below ABAP error can be easily corrected.
Launch SE11 ABAP Dictionary tool and search for the CDS view.
As ABAP developers can easily realize the DDL SQL View is used instead of the DDL Source name of the target CDS view in the SALV IDA method parameters.
Replacing the iv_cds_view_name input parameter value with the DDL Source name of the CDS view will solve the programming error.
Use the DDL Source name for SAP List Viewer with Integrated Data Access, SALV IDA data display object constructor method create_for_cds_view CDS view parameter iv_cds_view_name