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Read Material Memo using READ_TEXT Function Module in ABAP

Call MD04 transaction code and run the program for a specific material code, MRP area and plant. You will see Material Memo button that will enable SAP users to define text for this material. Material text can be displayed as menu options "Goto > Material Memo (Shift+F4)"

Material text defined could be fetched using ABAP function module READ_TEXT as shown in this ABAP tutorial.

To read material memo, read_text ABAP function module accepts following parameter values:
Id is 'LTXT,
Object is 'MDTXT',
Name parameter value can be formed of material number and plant with a space character between them. (MATNR + SPACE + WERKS)

Here is the ABAP code that can be used to form name parameter value of read_text function module

CONCATENATE lv_matnr space lv_werks INTO lv_tdname RESPECTING BLANKS.

Since I want to read material memo in login language of the SAP user at first, if it does not exist I prefer the material text in English. If I fail to find a text again, I'll use the German language for READ_TEXT function module.

Here is the function module, I used.

DATA lt_textlines TYPE tline_t.
DATA lv_tdname LIKE thead-tdname.
DATA lv_matnr TYPE matnr.
DATA lv_werks TYPE werks_d.

lv_matnr = 'MATERIAL001'.
lv_werks = '1234'.

CONCATENATE lv_matnr space lv_werks INTO lv_tdname RESPECTING BLANKS.
 i_language = sy-langu
 i_name = lv_tdname
 et_text = lt_textlines.

Z_READ_MATERIAL_MEMO function module ABAP source code is as follows:

 c_eng LIKE sy-langu VALUE 'E',
 c_ger LIKE sy-langu VALUE 'D',
 c_tdid LIKE thead-tdid VALUE 'LTXT',
 c_tdobj LIKE thead-tdobject VALUE 'MDTXT'.

DATA lt_textlines TYPE tline_t.
DATA lv_tdname LIKE thead-tdname.
lv_tdname = i_name.

REFRESH lt_textlines.
  i_id = c_tdid
  i_language = sy-langu
  i_name = lv_tdname
  i_object = c_tdobj
  et_text = et_text.
IF et_text IS INITIAL.
 IF sy-langu <> c_eng.
    i_id = c_tdid
    i_language = c_eng
    i_name = lv_tdname
    i_object = c_tdobj
    et_text = et_text.
 IF et_text IS INITIAL.
  IF sy-langu <> c_ger.
     i_id = c_tdid
      i_language = c_ger
     i_name = lv_tdname
     i_object = c_tdobj
     et_text = et_text.

And the ABAP code of function module Z_READ_MATERIAL_MEMO_LANG is simple only calling READ_TEXT fm.

data lt_lines type tline_t.

call function 'READ_TEXT'
  client = sy-mandt
  id = i_id
  language = i_language
  name = i_name
  object = i_object
  archive_handle = 0
  lines = lt_lines
  id = 1
  language = 2
  name = 3
  not_found = 4
  object = 5
  reference_check = 6
  wrong_access_to_archive = 7
  others = 8.

if sy-subrc = 0.
 if lt_lines is not initial.
  et_text[] = lt_lines[].

This sample ABAP code can be used to create function modules that can help SAP programmers to read material memo programmatically.


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