Find List of Namespaces used in a SAP System
I recently required to get the list of namespaces used in SAP system and I found that ABAP table TRNSPACET stores transportable namespaces.
If you diplay contents of ABAP table TRNSPACET using SE11 or SE16, programmers can get the full list of namespaces created on that SAP system
Or ABAP developers can query the TRNSPACET table for namespaces and TRNSPACETT for namespace description using following SQL query
select n~namespace, t~descriptn
from trnspacet as n
left join trnspacett as t
on n~namespace = t~namespace and t~spras = 'E'
into table @data(lt_namespaces).
loop at lt_namespaces reference into data(lr_namespace).
write :/ lr_namespace->namespace, lr_namespace->descriptn.
ABAP developers can also check TRNSPACE table or TRNSPACEL as well