Compare ABAP Objects in a Transport Request between SAP Systems
ABAP developers and SAP professionals frequenty require an ABAP tool to compare objects within a transport request between different SAP systems. For example, in my development system we sometimes import copies of tranport from third party consultant companies for updating their application codes running on our SAP systems. In such cases, we want to see the delta request actually what is changed with the transport request we are currenty importing.
Fortunately there is an ABAP report that can help SAP users to detect what is changed in objects included in a transport request. The solution can be to execute SAP standard program RSSYSCOMP aka Repository Comparison Version 2.1
Launch SE38 and type RSSYSCOMP in program name input field and use F8 to run the ABAP program.
Since I want to compare transport request objects with the objects on an other SAP system, first I selected the RFC Destionation then I provided the target Transport Request number.
When you are ready, click on Create Object Intersection button.
This will provide us 3 lists:
Repository objects only in local SAP system,
Objects in both SAP systems (local and RFC connected SAP system),
Objects only in remote RFC SAP system
ABAP programmer can export each list as an Excel document for further manual check
After grouping objects according to their existence in selected SAP systems, to see which objects that exist at both SAP systems (local and RFC destination) are different from each other, press Version Comparison button.
This ABAP repository object comparison may take sometime according to the number of objects to compare.
Finally when comparison of all ABAP objects are completed a report like below is displayed on the screen.
The comparison result shows the total number of identical objects, non-identical objects and total objects.
"Not Identical" objects are marked with red light.
"Identical" objects are shown in the report with green.
The objects that are not in the group of intersection of both systems are displayed with yellow light icon.
Unfortunately, to see what is different in a red marked ABAP report for example, you have to highlight the row and click "Object Comparison" button. Or simply double-click on the item line.
ABAP program RSSYSCOMP enables SAP developers to save the comparison results and later reach them using comparison history function.