ABAP ATC Check on S4HANA TABL T001 has been replaced
On a recent ATC (ABAP Test Cockpit) tool check on my custom code developments on SAP, "TABL T001 has been replaced (See Note(s): 0002431747)" error was one of the ATC findings. The error pointed a CDS view (Core Data Services) object where I used T001 Company Codes database table in FROM clause of the CDS View SELECT statement.
The CDS view code that ATC check finds a priority 1 error was similar to one as shown below
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: '/KODYAZ/TVKO_CDS'
@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
@EndUserText.label: 'Sales Organization CDS View'
define view /KODYAZ/TVKO_INFO
from tvko
inner join t001
on tvko.bukrs = t001.bukrs
When I check the DDL SQL View object on SE11 transaction using ATC, following below menu options:
View > Check > ABAP Test Cockpit with...
I got following ATC error
S/4HANA: Search for base tables of ABAP Dictionary views
View based on a replaced artifact
View /KODYAZ/TVKO_CDS has TABL T001 as a base table. TABL T001 has been replaced (See Note(s): 0002431747)
To get rid of this error and solve the ATC finding, I replaced the T001 base table (Company Codes) with IFICOMPANYCODE Company Code DDL SQL View as follows in the SELECT statement
t001.CreditControlArea as kkber
from tvko
inner join I_CompanyCode as t001
on tvko.bukrs = t001.CompanyCode
After this modification in the source codes of the CDS view, the ATC check did not find any error fortunately. There are other tables and views for company code data but I see that most miss the Credit Control Area information KKBER field data, so I think it is good to use IFICOMPANYCODE DDL SQL View instead of using T001 database table.
A similar problem can happen if the ABAP programmer used VBFA Sales Document Flow base table directly in a CDS view SELECT statement.
TABL VBFA has been replaced (See Note(s): 0002198647)
To resolve such an ATC finding, ABAP base table VBFA can be replaced with DDL SQL View ISDDOCMLPROCFLOW SD Document Multi Level Process Flow.