ATC Check: No WHERE condition
ABAP developers periodically execute ABAP Test Cockopit Tool to review ATC check results. When I executed ATC checks on an ABAP program recently, I got Analysis of WHERE Condition for SELECT Table ...: No WHERE condition in the ATC results.
When I clicked on the object name (ABAP program name) the editor directly opened the ABAP code line where the ATC error or warning is triggered.
select * from ztable into table gt_data.
Since I want to fetch all the data in the database table, there is actually no filtering condition or WHERE condition to add into this ABAP SELECT command.
So first way to resolve this item in the ATC check is using pseudo command as written in ATC listing details which is displayed when ABAP developer double-clicks on the item line.
Finding can be suppressed with pseudo comment "#EC CI_NOWHERE
So I converted the original ABAP SELECT command as follows by adding "#EC CI_NOWHERE after the command
select * from ztable into table gt_data. "#EC CI_NOWHERE
Or if you avoid using pseudo comments although it is not necessary ABAP programmer can add a WHERE clause on one of the key fields similar to as shown below.
select * from ztable into table gt_data where keyfield1 is not null.
Both modifications enables ATC results to be fulfilled for Analysis of WHERE Condition for SELECT Table ...: No WHERE condition