What is SAP?
SAP (Systeme, Anwendungen, Produkte)
SAP is a German software company specialized in ERP (enterprise resource planning) products and applications.
"SAP" stands for and is an acronym for "Systeme, Anwendungen, Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung - Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing"
SAP integrates the different areas of a business into one connected software platform.
SAP has tailor-made software solutions to specific industry areas like IS-OIL (oil companies), IS-T (telecommunication companies), IS-B (banks) or IS-Retail (retail companies).
Also SAP systems has standard components for every industry, sector or business like FI (Financial Accounting), CO (Controlling), IM (Investment Management), PA (Personnel Administration), SD (Sales and Distribution), MM (Materials Management), WM (Warehouse Management), PP (Production Planning), LO (General Logistics), and many others.