SAP Sales Division SPART Text Description for Different Languages in TSPAT Table
During ABAP development in SAP recently, I required to display Sales Division information SPART text and SPART description in the sy-langu language translation.
Division SPART text information is in TSPAT, Organizational Unit: Sales Divisions: Texts table in field VTEXT.
Here is an example small ABAP code part of a larger ABAP program where I read the text of SPART - sales division for the login language sy-langu from TSPAT SAP table.
VTEXT field of the TSPAT table contains translated texts and descriptions for the required Sales Division SPART in TSPAT SAP table.
WHERE spras = sy-langu
AND spart = gs_knvv-spart.
When the ABAP Dictionary screen is displayed using the SAP transaction code SE11, the following table structure of the TSPAT Sales Divisions Texts table will be seen as seen in below screenshot.