SAP Payment Terms Table and ZTERM Texts Table for ABAP Developers
ABAP developers frequently use Payment Terms ZTERM especially on SAP Smartform output documents.
ABAP developers will find two common SAP tables T052 and TVZBT that can be used to query detailed data about payment terms used in SAP documents.
On the other hand, ABAP function module FI_PRINT_ZTERM can be used to read translated text of a payment term ZTERM code in specified language as an advanced method.
Payment Terms
ABAP developers can use the SAP table T052 (Terms of Payment) in order to get details about the ZTERM payment terms of an order or invoice. The SAP Table T052 Terms of Payment has the following table columns.
MANDT | Client |
ZTERM | Terms of payment key |
ZTAGG | Day Limit |
ZDART | Date Type |
ZFAEL | Calendar Day for the Baseline Date for Payment |
ZMONA | Additional Months |
ZTAG1 | Days from Baseline Date for Payment |
ZPRZ1 | Cash Discount Percentage Rate |
ZTAG2 | Days from Baseline Date for Payment |
ZPRZ2 | Cash Discount Percentage Rate |
ZTAG3 | Days from Baseline Date for Payment |
ZSTG1 | Due Date for Special Condition |
ZSMN1 | Additional Months for Special Condition (Term 1) |
ZSTG2 | Due Date for Special Condition |
ZSMN2 | Additional Months for Special Condition (Term 2) |
ZSTG3 | Due Date for Special Condition |
ZSMN3 | Additional Months for Special Condition (Term 3) |
XZBRV | Print terms of payment in RV papers |
ZSCHF | Payment Block (Default Value) |
XCHPB | Transfer payment block when changing terms of payment? |
TXN08 | Number of the standard text |
ZLSCH | Payment method |
XCHPM | Transfer payment method when changing terms of payment? |
KOART | Account Type of the Customer/Vendor |
XSPLT | Indicator: Term for installment payment |
XSCRC | Recurring Entries: Add Terms of Payment from Master Record |
Payment Terms Texts Table
If as an ABAP developer, you want to display payments terms text in different languages, you can read ZTERM text from SAP table TVZBT, Customers: Terms of Payment Texts table or SAP table T052U, Own Explanations for Terms of Payment.
Customers: Terms of Payment Texts TVZBT table has the following table columns.
MANDT | Client |
SPRAS | Language Key |
ZTERM | Terms of payment key |
VTEXT | Description of terms of payment |
SAP table T052U Own Explanations for Terms of Payment has following fields:
MANDT | Client |
SPRAS | Language Key |
ZTERM | Terms of Payment Key |
ZTAGG | Day Limit |
TEXT1 | Own Explanation of Term of Payment |
Read Payment Term Texts by Code in ABAP
ABAP programmers can use following methods in their ABAP codes or programs to read payment term description in a specific language.
ABAP developer can either query SAP tables tvzbt or t052 for the payment term text translation or better use ABAP function module FI_PRINT_ZTERM or a similar one to get ZTERM translated text.
DATA lv_zterm TYPE dzterm VALUE 'A00C'.
DATA lv_spras TYPE spras VALUE 'T'.
SELECT SINGLE * FROM t052 INTO @DATA(ls_t052) WHERE zterm = @lv_zterm.
CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
SELECT SINGLE vtext FROM tvzbt INTO @DATA(lv_vtext) WHERE zterm = @lv_zterm AND spras = @lv_spras.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
WRITE lv_vtext. " translation from TVZBT table
SELECT SINGLE text1 FROM t052u INTO @DATA(lv_text1) WHERE zterm = @lv_zterm AND spras = @lv_spras.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
WRITE lv_text1. " translation from T052U table
DATA lt_ztext LIKE TABLE OF ttext.
i_zterm = lv_zterm
i_langu = lv_spras
* I_XT052U = ' '
* I_T052 =
t_ztext = lt_ztext
* OTHERS = 2.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
LOOP AT lt_ztext INTO DATA(ls_ztext) WHERE text1 IS NOT INITIAL.
WRITE :/ lv_zterm, lv_spras, ls_ztext-text1.
Here is the output of the above ABAP report with sample data querying ZTERM in ABAP tables for Turkish language translation.
Please note that although there is not a record in ABAP tables TVZBT or T052U, the ABAP function module FI_PRINT_ZTERM is capable of generating the payment term text using text symbols used in the program.