Display SAP Documentation using bmenu_show_documentation ABAP Function Module
ABAP bmenu_show_documentation can be used for retrieving help documentation and showing SAP documentation for an SAP transaction code.
ABAP developers can use bmenu_show_documentation function module in order to retrieve SAP documentation for help on SAP transaction codes given as an argument to the ABAP function module.
There is a list of SAP function modules that can be used for similar purposes.
Here is a short list of help documentation classes and function modules for ABAP developers and SAP users :
Function group SDOC with DOCU_READ and DOCU_GET
The below sample ABAP code using BMENU_SHOW_DOCUMENTATION function module starts the browser, displays SAP Library in the SAP Help browser.
The user is directed to the SAP Help documentation related with the TCODE (transaction code) given as input argument to the bmenu_show_documentation ABAP function module.
REPORT zshowdocumentation.
DATA l_tcode TYPE tcode.
l_tcode = 'VA01'.
tcode = l_tcode
no_documentation_found = 1
others = 2.
In the above ABAP code sample, the current transaction is given as VA01 - Create Sales Order.
And the Creating Sales Orders help documentation is displayed on the SAP documentation after the execution of the above ABAP program.