Read SAP Customer Data from KNA1 using kna1_single_reader ABAP Function Module
ABAP kna1_single_reader function module can be used to check the existence of a customer record in SAP KNA1 Customer table using the customer number and return customer data as well as address data.
With this return information kna1_single_reader is one of the most used function modules.
Customer data in SAP system is stored in KNA1 ABAP table.
Customer Address data is stored in ADRC ABAP table.
And both KNA1 and ADRC tables can be joined using the relation KNA1-ADRNR = ADRC-ADDRNUMBER.
Instead of using an OpenSQL query to select this information from SAP tables, function modules can be used by ABAP developers.
But for a single customer, if ABAP developer has Customer Number KUNNR (Kundennummer), using ABAP Function module kna1_single_reader the ABAP developer can return the Customer information and Address information together from SAP system.
Here is sample ABAP code where kna1_single_reader ABAP function module is used for displaying customer data.
In the below screenshot, you can see the SAP customer data read from SAP KNA1 table using kna1_single_reader ABAP function module.
ABAP function modules can manage many complex processes for ABAP developers and ABAP function modules are reusable, so they are most preferred by ABAP programmers.