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How to Partition Table (a Non-Partitioned Table) using T-SQL in SQL Server 2008
"Can we partition existing table in SQL Server ?", or
"How can we add partitioning to a non partitioned table ?" are frequently asked questions about sql partitioning and partitioned tables in MS SQL Server among t-sql developers and SQL Server professionals.
Especially partitioning non-partitioned table may become a difficult task to partition an already existing table if it contains a lot of data and has many constraints and relations with other sql tables in the database.
In this sql tutorial, I'll show sql developers a SQL Server 2008 partition file method.
Existing tables can be partitioned by creating a Clustered Index ON PartitionScheme sql syntax.
After the clustered index is created on sql table for related field, our sql table is being partitioned by partition scheme and partition function.
If cluster index is not required, sql administrators can drop clustered index using DROP INDEX syntax.
Dropping index will not delete partition and will not affect the partitioning of sql table.
Later, SQL Server database administrators and sql developers can create cluster index on a different field which will not affect partitionning of the sql table.
Backup SQL Database using SQL Backup Script
I'm going to try to give an sql example with t-sql code required for partitioning a non-partitioned table using AdventureWorks sample database tables.
On my development computer, I have Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 installed.
I have also download SQL Server 2008 R2 sample databases.
Let's start taking backup of AdventureWorks2008R2 sql sample database using the below sql backup script.
Create a New SQL Server Database
After sql backup database AdventureWorks2008R2, now create a new database.
Restore SQL Backup over a SQL Server Database using T-SQL
Following creation of new sql database, restore AdventureWorks2008R2.bak database backup file over this new sql database.
Now we have a sample database that we can work on it.
How to Create FileGroups and Database Files on SQL Server using T-SQL
Let's assume we want to create partitioning on Production.Product database table.
When I checked the database table I see that I can create a partition on "name" column which is defined in nvarchar sql type with 50 characters long.
After sql administrator has defined which column he should create partition based on, sql administrator is ready to build CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION code.
Using partition function database administrators can continue partitioning process with CREATE PARTITION SCHEME statement.
But at this point database filegroups and database files must already have been defined and selected for partitioning.
You can check existing database files and file groups using following t-sql select scripts.
Since in our sample database file, we do not have additional data files and file groups, let's continue partition example by creating filegroups and assigning database files to this filegroups.
How to Create Partition Function on SQL Server 2008
We are now ready to create our sql create partition function command.
Since we create 4 filegroups, we can define 3 points to divide sql data into 4 partitions.
How to Create Partition Scheme on SQL Server 2008
Using the partition function pf_PartitionFunction, let's create partition scheme using below t-sql sample code by defining the approtiate filegroup names as argument to the sql command.
Check Existing Clustered Index on Partition Table Candidate
Before create clustered index on partition scheme ps_PartitionScheme in order to alter non-partitioned table to partitioned table, let's check if there is already a clustered index on target sql database table.
I see that there is already a clustered index PK_Product_ProductID on sql table Product.
When I try to drop clustered index PK_Product_ProductID on Product table using DROP INDEX command,
I get the following exception from sql engine.
Drop Foreign Key Constraint Referencing To Partition Table Candidate
Let's check sql foreign keys referencing our example table for partition.
Now drop those foreign keys.
Note that it is a better decision to create all those foreign key constraints defined on different sql tables referencing our partition table later after partitioning is completed.
So please take create scripts of those foreign keys for later use.
Here is the DROP Constraint sql statements that the above dynamic sql script generates and executes.
Drop Primary Key Constraint From Partition Table Candidate
Now we can drop primary key constraint which prevents sql developers drop existing clustered index on partition table.
ALTER Non-Partitioned Table to a SQL Partition Table
Let's execute CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX ON partition scheme we have created in order to partition existing non partitioned table Product in SQL Server to partition it according to partition function pf_PartitionFunction.
SELECT From Partition Table
Let's see if we could really partition a non partitioned table and modify it as a partition table with new cluster index.
Or better use the following sql query
I hope to partition table SQL Server 2008, or on SQL Server 2008 R2 version is not a great deal after reading this sql tutorial for SQL Server administrators and t-sql developers.