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A correlation name must be specified for the bulk rowset in the from clause.

While inserting image files into a SQL Server database table using the OPENROWSET function, I got the following error message from the SQL engine.

Msg 491, Level 16, State 1, Line 5
A correlation name must be specified for the bulk rowset in the from clause.

I soon realized that the error message is asking for a alias name for the OPENROWSET select statement.

Here is the t-sql script that is causing the error message :

INSERT INTO Files(fname, [file])
SELECT 'T-SQL-Enhancements-in-SQL-Server-2008', * FROM OPENROWSET(
  BULK N'C:\T-SQL-Enhancements-in-SQL-Server-2008.jpg', SINGLE_BLOB

And the below sql script displays how the correct statement should be built.
Take your attention on the "rs" alias name at the end of the script.

INSERT INTO Files(fname, [file])
SELECT 'T-SQL-Enhancements-in-SQL-Server-2008', * FROM OPENROWSET(
  BULK N'C:\T-SQL-Enhancements-in-SQL-Server-2008.jpg', SINGLE_BLOB
) rs

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