Check Pivotal Greenplum Database Version
This guide shows database administrators and SQL developers how to check Pivotal Greenplum database version and the underlying PostgreSQL version. Sometimes it is important to know the exact version of the Greenplum data warehouse platform and the PostgreSQL database version, to check the available and supported features. This guide shows how version control can be done via SQL and pSQL commands.
Check Greenplum Version using SQL Query
If you are connected to Greenplum database using a SQL Client like DBeaver, you can execute following SQL query for version() to get details about the Pivotal Greenplum database details.
select version()
The output is as follows on my Greenplum DWH platform installation where I managed by subscribing via AWS Marketplace
PostgreSQL 9.4.24 (Greenplum Database 6.1.0 build commit:6788ca8c13b2bd6e8976ccffea07313cbab30560) on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 6.4.0, 64-bit compiled on Nov 1 2019 22:06:07
As seen, the Pivotal Greenplum analytical database version 6.1 is shipped with PostgreSQL 9.4
The version() function returns the SQL user the Greenplum DWH version as well as the underlying PostgreSQL database version.
Display Greenplum Version using PSQL
Another method to check and display the version of Greenplum database is using PSQL. If you don't have a graphical client tool for managing your Greenplum database, the users can connect to the Greenplum server using ssh and run the PSQL command line tool used to manage and query Greenplum database.
Connect to the Greenplum Data Warehouse master node using ssh with gpadmin user which is default for AWS installations.
Then launch PSQL utility by executing "psql" command.
This will return the Greenplum DWH version as seen in following screenshot: 9.4.24
In psql utility, SQL database developers can execute the query "select version()" which will return the same result which is fetched by running from a SQL client tool.